Union County Chapter
of the Ohio Genealogical Society
Our History
On July 19, 1979 a group of genealogists and historians interested in preserving the family histories of Union County, Ohio gathered at the home of Dorothy Robinson, who was elected temporary President of a steering committee with the intent of forming a Union County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society.
On July 27, 1979 Dorothy sent a letter to those who had met on July 19th that arrangements had been made to meet on Tuesday, August 21, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the community room of the Plaza branch of the Banc Ohio First National at 245 Stocksdale Drive which was located in the Stocksdale Shopping Plaza on the south edge of Marysville. At that time By-Laws were approved, a list of members submitted, with each member submitting a list of their personal holdings of Union County resources. As a program, they invited Dr. Terry Golden who spoke on 'Briefing for Beginners in Genealogy.'
On December 12, 1979 Nina R. Boerger, newly elected Corresponding Secretary, sent a letter to the members giving the meeting dates and programs for January, February, and March 1980:
January 15 - Topic: Union County Court House Records held at Community Room,
Citizens Federal Savings & Loan, 120 W. 5th St., Marysville.
February 19 - Topic: John Gray will lead a help session at the Community Room,
Citizens Federal Savings & Loan, SR 42, Plain City.
March 22 - Topic: A research outing to The Ohio Historical Society Library - Columbus was held.
On May 3, 1980 the Ohio Genealogical Society granted a charter. Members on board at that time were considered Charter Members and they were: Helen Fraker, Marcella R. Meyer, Margaret Bouic, Julia R Yoder, Mary E. Kreis, Ellsworth L & Faye A. Close, Ruth Stewart, Josephine Mitchell, John Gray, Charles E. Golden, Florence Dyke, Penny Johnson Deibert, Robert Clendenen, David & Margaret Markley, Elaine Markley, Marjorie M. Harper, Martha L. Tummelson, Dalla M. Morse, Charlotte Boerger, R. Kenneth Koltenbach, Mary Carr, Ethel Temple Jensen, and Martha Boyce.
On August 19, 1980, the group met at the Union County,Historical Society on West 6th Street at which a Nominating Committee was formed to present a slate of officers for 1981. The members also did research in the Historical Society's collection of old Union County newspapers.
Chapter officers at that time were:
President - Dorothy Jenks Robinson
Vice President - Maxine L. White
Corresponding Secretary - Nina Rausch Boerger
Treasurer - Judy Price
On March 18, 1981 - President Dorothy Robinson submitted the following summary of what they had accomplished in the chapter so far:
- The Union County History by Beers had been reprinted and an additional printing ordered when the first sold out quickly.
- The society will have a table at the OGS Convention in Columbus, May 1 & 2.
- A list of resources donated to the society's collection at the Marysville Public Library.
- Dr. Golden to be invited back to speak in April - speaking on Researching German Lines.
- Grace Yerian of the Madison County Chapter of the OGS will speak in May on Recording from Cemetery Tombstones.
- Ellen Davis of the Franklin County Chapter of OGS will speak in June on First Families of Ohio.
Dorothy concluded her summary by asking for the members to come up with a logo for a planned newsletter. The first newsletter was published sometime in early 1981. Vol.1 #2 was published in May 1981, showing a list of 35 paid members and a very long list of acquisitions to the genealogical collection at the Marysville Public Library. The society is to be congratulated for donating so many fine resources to our collection in such a short period of time. Sometime in early 1980 the Marysville Journal Tribune began to publish our meeting notices.
The first Pioneer Banquet was held on April 15, 1997 with 15 members proving 60 of their ancestors that were living in Union County before 1850.